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Dinosaurs Get Royal Approval
Published: 23rd Nov 2016
Prince George lves dinosaurs and his favourite is T rex because it is the “noisiest and the scariest” says his mother…Read more...
First Fossilised Dinosaur Brain Found in England
Published: 16th Nov 2016
A fossil discovered 12 years ago on the beach at Bexhill-on-sea, in Sussex, has been identified as the first fossilized dinosaur brain.…Read more...
The Largest Dinosaurs had Embellished Heads
Published: 29th Sep 2016
The biggest carnivorous theropod dinosaurs, such as T rex and Allosaurus, had heads with bony adornments. New research shows that…Read more...
Beautifully Camouflaged Dinosaur
Published: 16th Sep 2016
An exquisitely preserved fossil of the dinosaur Psittacosaurus reveals the most elaborate dinosaur ‘paint job’ ever seen.…Read more...
Did Dinosaurs Coo Like a Dove
Published: 20th Jul 2016
Everybody knows that predatory dinosaurs roared, but could they also have made other noises such as cooing like a common pigeon. New…Read more...