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New Short Stubby Armed Dinosaur Discovered
Published: 14th Jul 2016
T rex is no longer the only dinosaur to have strange short arms with two fingered claws. A new dinosaur has been found in the fossil…Read more...
Amber Preserves Dinosaur Era Bird's Wings
Published: 29th Jun 2016
Two wings from ancient birds that lived at the same time as the dinosaurs have been found preserved in amber. The incredible finds…Read more...
Dinosaurs and Mammals Near Extinction
Published: 23rd Jun 2016
New research shows that the meorite that caused the extinction of non avaian dinosaurs also nearly casused the extinction of mammals.…Read more...
Dinosaur Extinction Hit Antartica
Published: 30th May 2016
66 million years ago it was not just the naon-avian dinosaurs that became extinct, many other species also suffered the same fate.…Read more...
Dinosaurs Declining Before Extinction
Published: 20th Apr 2016
Dinosaurs had been in decline for about 50 millions of years before the mass extinction happened at the end of the Cretaceous according…Read more...